Asplin and Associates



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We have reviewed, researched, considered, and handled thousands of pieces of antique furniture, and have developed some definite opinions on why certain pieces of woodwork have lasted for centuries.

Asplin and Associates does not do production work. We will only do more than one of a commissioned piece if the client requests it. Our reproduction pieces are not made to deceive, but are intended to show intrinsic and extrinsic qualities of a specific style of furniture. They can be placed in a room with authentic pieces and be complimentary to them. Any joinery, such as pins, pegs, through-tenons, and splines, is authentic and not surface application to fool the buyer. All that said, we are not opposed to putting 21st Century hardware on 18th Century construction to fit the client's needs.

We will work from architect's or designer's drawings/blueprints, or a simple photograph with dimensions. When needed, shop drawings can be provided for a nominal fee before any wood work begins. Asplin and Associates has done custom work for nationally known painters, sculptors and business people. The work has ranged from plywood shipping crates for valuable art, to kitchens, library built-ins and complete suites of furniture. We have worked for homeowners, designers and architects.

Our strength comes when someone knows what he/she wants (i.e., style, shape, size, color, finish, function) but cannot find it in the market place. When needed, we work with people who hand hammer copper, forge iron, sculpt bronze and silver, cut and polish stone, or who do Old School painting to achieve a product our clients can watch their grandchildren covet and squabble over.

"Lasting design and construction are important. Planned obsolescence is a mission statement we leave for other companies."